If finding and taking an A+ training program is not already in your arsenal for success in student rental investing, then it should be. And fast!
In my own investing career, aligning myself with the right teacher/coach was the single most important ingredient in building my student rental business quickly, confidently, and successfully.
But, I also know from experience that finding exactly the right course, with the right teacher and the right content can be extremely tough, especially given how picky I am and what a niche market student rental investing is.
I have great news though! I am thrilled to announce that will be launching my very own course “Student Rental Investment Mastery: Maximizing Returns and Minimizing Stress” which will be ready in early 2024. It will be jammed packed with all the information you will need to run a successful and profitable student rental while minimizing the risks.
Sign up for our newsletter to stay tuned for more details or send me an email at with “I’d like a deal” in the subject heading and I will give you a coupon for 15% off.
For information regarding 1:1 coaching, please email